Minutes of a City Council Meeting

Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 7:00 PM
City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue


Present: Mayor Rogers Badgett, Councilmembers Chris Johnson, Kara Anastasio, Leslee Goldstein (joined 8:30 PM), Marty Hulsebos (All by Zoom as it was impractical to attend in person due to the on-going concern by the council for the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Absent: Steve Boss
Present in Addition: Dr. Kent Boyum, Loraine Przybylski, Kathy Petersen

Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order.

  1. Meet with Sheriff Bart Richmond—Sheriff Bart Richmond and Chief Deputy Sheriff Jerry Marcellus announced a meeting of the Jefferson County Emergency Management Council on January 31 to vote on a proposed emergency management levy.
  2. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken.
  3. Public Comments—Thomas Farrer proposed the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at City Hall and was asked to research costs.
  4. Minutes—Anastasio moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve minutes from a meeting held on January 17, 2022; Ayes: Johnson, Anastasio, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  5. Receipts and Claims—Anastasio moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve the report. Ayes: Johnson, Anastasio, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  6. Treasurer’s Report—Postponed.
  7. Resolution to Approve Annual Payroll—Anastasio moved, Hulsebos seconded, to adopt a resolution approving 2022 base salary for city employees. Ayes: Johnson, Anastasio, Hulsebos; Nays: none. Resolution number 20220126 was assigned.
  8. Discuss Fairfield Diversity Resolution—Postponed.
  9. Matching Funds for Pathfinders Grant—Hulsebos moved, Anastasio seconded, to approve the allocation of $50,000 from the Road Use Tax fund, and funds from proposed ICAP and Walmart grants as matching funds towards the proposed Pathfinders grant. Ayes: Johnson, Anastasio, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  10. Report on Farm to Market Road Maintenance—Kent Boyum reported that Farm to Market maintenance payments will be adjusted and reflected in Road Use Tax payments beginning July 2022.
  11. Committee Reports—Finance Committee: Kara Anastasio reported that the Finance Committee recommends matching funds as reported in agenda point 9. Culture, Recreation and Beautification Committee: Stellavera Kilcher reported on the cost estimates for each phase of the trail system.
  12. City Hall and Community Center Improvements—Kathy Petersen reported on the estimates to prepare for opening of the new Council Chambers room in City Hall.
  13. Other Business—Kent Boyum reported that the sewer pump serving the ghee factory was replaced, and on the need to replace a pump at the Mandala One lift station.

Mayor Badgett adjourned the meeting.

Rogers Badgett, Mayor
Loraine Przybylski, City Clerk