Maharishi Vedic City

Notice of a City Council Meeting

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 2:30pm

City Hall 1750 Maharishi Center Ave

Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556

You may attend this meeting in person, by Zoom or phone.



    1. Three Minutes of Silence
    2. Public Comments
    3. Consider Approving Minutes
    4. Consider Approving Receipts and Claims
    5. Consider Treasurer’s Report
    6. Consider Renewing the Certificate of Deposit with Washington State Bank
    7. Consider Accounting Contractor
    8. Consider Resolution for Use of Interest Income for Trails 
    9. Consider LL. Pelling Proposals
    10. Consider Water Filter for City Hall
    11. Consider Appointing a Volunteer Archivist for Culture and Recreation
    12. Discuss Creating Brahmasthan Circumference Road
    13. Discuss Mandala Lighting
    14. Discuss Brahmasthan Trails Resolution Amendment
    15. Discuss Trail Bridges:
      1. Current Bridge
      2. South Bridge
      3. Observatory Drive Bridge
    16. Mayor and Council Comments



Instructions to connect:

Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 883 1255 8032

To connect by phone, call (312) 626-6799. Enter meeting ID 883 1255 8032, followed by #.

Please call the City Clerk, Nichole Liveston at (641) 470-7000 or

email if you are unable to connect.

Please contact Nichole Liveston at if you are unable to connect.