Maharishi Vedic City 

Minutes of a City Council Meeting 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 2:30 PM 

City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue 



Present: Mayor Rogers Badgett, Councilmembers Tim Fitz-Randolph, Leslee Goldstein, Chris Johnson, Kathy Petersen, Maureen Wynne 

Absent: None 


Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order. 


  1. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken. 
  1. Public Comments—An individual expressed concern about a private developer in the city. 
  1. Consider Approving Minutes—Maureen Wynne moved, Tim Fitz-Randolph seconded to approve minutes from meetings held January 24, 2024, and February 2, 2024; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Consider Approving Receipts and Claims—Tim Fitz-Randolph moved, Leslee Goldstein seconded to approve the report; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Consider Resolution to Approve Treasurer’s Reports—Kathy Petersen presented corrected treasurer’s reports from July 2023 to December 2023. Tim Fitz-Randolph moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to adopt a resolution approving the corrected treasurer’s reports; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. Resolution number 20240214A was assigned. 
  1. Consider Legal Services Contract—After discussion Leslee Goldstein moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to renew contract for legal services with Lynch Dallas, PC; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Review ICAP Annual Premium—Discussion took place regarding the substantial increase in the annual ICAP insurance premium. Leslee Goldstein moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to research alternative coverage; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Consider Sharing Cost of Transfer Fee for Maharishi Vedic Observatory—Maureen Wynne reported that MIU asked that the city share the transfer fee and abstract fees for the Maharishi Vedic Observatory. After discussion Chris Johnson moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to pay the abstract fees and half the transfer fees for the observatory transfer, up to $800; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Consider Sewer Capital Reserve CD—Leslee Goldstein moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to adopt a resolution to open CDs at Washington State Bank and Central State Bank for the Sewer Capital Reserve; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. Motion carried. Resolution number 20240214B was assigned. 
  1. Consider Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI) Resolution—Leslee Goldstein moved, Maureen Wynne seconded, to adopt a resolution opposing Alliant Energy’s rate increase; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. Resolution number 20240214C was assigned. 
  1. Discuss Website Design Budget—Budget and contractors to finish the city website were discussed. 
  1. Consider Mailing List Management—Budgeting for an email list management system was discussed. 
  1. Consider Absentee Rent Adjustment—Leslee Goldstein moved, Chris Johnson seconded, to deny a rent adjustment; Ayes: Fitz-Randolph, Goldstein, Johnson, Petersen, Wynne. Motion carried. 
  1. Subcommittees: 
  1. Consider Changes to Existing Subcommittees—The council discussed changing standing subcommittees to: Parks and Recreation, Finance and Administration, Communication and Celebrations, Community and Economic Development, and Master Plan.  
  1. Consider Subcommittee Assignments—Assignments were discussed. 
  1. Mayor and Council Comments—None. 

Mayor Badgett adjourned the meeting. 




Rogers Badgett, Mayor 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.