Maharishi Vedic City

Minutes of a City Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 7:00 PM

City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue


Present: Mayor Rogers Badgett, Councilmembers Chris Johnson (joined at 7:50 p.m.), Steve Boss, Leslee Goldstein, Marty Hulsebos (In person and by Zoom as it was impractical for all to attend in person due to the on-going concern by the council for COVID-19.)

Absent: Kara Anastasio

Present in Addition: Dr. Kent Boyum, Loraine Przybylski

Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order.

  1. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken.
  2. Minutes—Hulsebos moved, Goldstein seconded, to approve minutes from a meeting held on September 28, 2022; Ayes: Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  3. Receipts and Claims—Goldstein moved, Boss seconded, to approve the report. Ayes: Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  4. Treasurer’s Report—Goldstein moved, Boss seconded, to approve the report. Ayes: Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  5. Utilities Report—Dr. Boyum reported. (Johnson joined the meeting)
    • Solar—Responses to Solar Project Development RFP due October 12. Received one proposal from Ideal Energy. Under Inflation Reduction Act, renewable energy tax credits will be provided to municipalities as re-imbursements. Use of American Rescue Plan funds has been expanded to projects that serve the public interest.
    • Sewer—Replacement pump for Mandala One lift station has not been received yet.
    • Water—See item 8.
  6. City Trail Bridge—City Council and Recreation and Beautification Committee Chair Stellavera Kilcher discussed safety concern where the trail crosses a creek and a proposed bridge, including design and funding.
  7. Activity and Contact Documentation: Dr. Boyum—Dr. Boyum created a document with contacts and activities related to his position as a resource for the City when he retires. Mayor Badgett and Ms. Goldstein acknowledged Dr. Boyum for his invaluable contributions to the City over the years.
  8. Scheduling Meeting with Aaron Pickens, Environmental Specialist Senior, Iowa DNR—City Council discussed possible expansion of City’s Public Water Supply. Ms. Przybylski will email City Council proposed dates for meeting with Aaron Pickens to discuss expansion of City’s Public Water Supply.
  9. Pandit Campus Monthly Sewer Payments—Council discussed monthly sewer payments owed for the former Pandit Campus and writing off all or part of the payments due. Council also discussed payments due from current owners.
  10. Updating Code of Ordinances—Mr. Boss reported Simmering-Cory quoted $6,500 to update the Code of Ordinances, to be paid in two to three payments over eleven to twenty-four months. A quote will also be requested from Area 15 Regional Planning Commission. Council will vote on establishing a subcommittee to work on ordinances.
  11. City Hall and Community Center
    1. Re-opening Halls for Super Radiance Program—Ms. Przybylski reported that volunteers are needed to assist with operation of the halls.
    2. Maintenance—Mayor Badgett and City Council discussed repair of the portico at City Hall.
  12. Committee Reports—No additional.
  13. Other Business—None.
  14. Public Comments—Resident Bill Goldstein commented on his support of possible expansion of City’s Public Water Supply. Resident Charles Edwards commented on road safety concerns in Mandala 6.

Mayor Badgett adjourned the meeting.


Rogers Badgett, Mayor

Loraine Przybylski, City Clerk