Maharishi Vedic City

Minutes of a City Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 7:00 PM

City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue


Present: Mayor Pro Tem, Chris Johnson, Councilmembers Steve Boss, Kara Anastasio, Leslee Goldstein, Marty Hulsebos (All by Zoom as it was impractical to attend in person due to the on-going concern by the council for the COVID-19 Pandemic)

Absent: Mayor Rogers Badgett

Present in Addition: Loraine Przybylski, Dr. Kent Boyum

Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order.

  1. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken.
  2. Public Comments—Resident Charles Edwards acknowledged Ms. Goldstein for meeting with him and neighbors to discuss road safety concerns in Mandala 6.
  3. Minutes—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve minutes from a meeting held on October 12, 2022; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  4. Receipts and Claims—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve the report. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  5. Consider Approving Ideal Energy Proposal for MVC Solar Development—Hulsebos moved, Boss seconded, to accept proposal from Ideal Energy for MVC Solar Development. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  6. Discuss Alternative Uses of American Rescue Plan Act Grant—No other options were proposed.
  7. Consider Approving Amendment to Code of Ordinances, Section 10.05 To Prohibit Above-Ground Utilities and Devices—Postponed.
  8. Consider Waiving Second and Third Readings of Proposed Amendment to Code of Ordinances, Section 10.05—Postponed.
  9. Consider Approving Variance to Code of Ordinances Amendment, Section 10.05 to Not Apply to Solar Panels—Postponed
  10. Consider Approving Bike and Walking Aprons on South Side of John Estle/170th and West Side of Jasmine Ave.—Mr. Johnson proposed bike and walking paths on John Estle/170th St. and Jasmine Ave. due to safety concerns. Council discussed financing, including use of road use tax funds, excess American Rescue Plan Act funds, and other grants. Mr. Johnson proposed that the Public Safety and Public Works and Community and Economic Development committees explore this initiative. Mr. Johnson agreed to keep Stellavera Kilcher updated, as the chair of the Recreation and Beautification Committee.
  11. Consider Approving Stop Signs on John Estle St. and Jasmine Ave.—Mr. Johnson proposed installing stop signs due to poor site lines. He suggested that the Community and Economic Development Committee oversee this plan. Dr. Boyum reported that the city has a 28E Agreement with Jefferson County for signage. Mr. Johnson added that Jefferson County has been lax in maintaining 170th and Jasmine Ave. and recommended that we meet with their new engineer. Ms. Goldstein agreed to attend the meeting.
  12. Consider Approving Subcommittee to Oversee Updating of Code of Ordinances with Steve Boss, Chair and Leslee Goldstein, Member—Boss moved, Goldstein seconded, to approve a subcommittee to enhance and expand the Code of Ordinances with Steve Boss as chair and Leslee Goldstein as member. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  13. Review Current Use for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Funds—Mr. Boss and Dr. Boyum gave an overview of TIF and the City’s current designated use for City-wide solar project and lawyer fees related to TIF. Council discussed possible changes to the designated use of TIF funds.
  14. Utilities Report—Ms. Przybylski reported that there is no update on the delivery of the replacement sewer pump for Mandala One lift station.
  15. City Hall and Community Center – Maintenance Update— Przybylski reported on leaks in the City Hall roof.
  16. Consider Approving City Clerk to Attend Iowa League of Cities Budget Workshop—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded to approve City Clerk attending Iowa League of Cities Budget Workshop. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  17. Committee Reports—None.
  18. Other Business—Ms. Goldstein reported on request for 911 signage for residents in Raj complex. Council discussed and recommended that the residents work with Mr. Badgett on this issue. Ms. Przybylski will contact Mr. Badgett.

Mayor Pro Tem Johnson adjourned the meeting.



Chris Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem

Loraine Przybylski, City Clerk