Maharishi Vedic City

Minutes of a City Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 28, 2022, 7:00 PM

City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue

Present: Mayor Rogers Badgett, Councilmembers Chris Johnson (joined at 7:30 p.m.), Steve Boss, Kara Anastasio, Leslee Goldstein, Marty Hulsebos (In person and by Zoom as it was impractical for all to attend in person due to the on-going concern by the council for COVID-19.)

Absent: None.

Present in Addition: Loraine Przybylski

Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order.

  1. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken.
  2. Public Comments—None.
  3. Minutes—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve minutes from a meeting held on December 14, 2022; Ayes: Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  4. Receipts and Claims—Goldstein moved, Anastasio seconded, to approve the report. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  5. Consider Approving Amendment to Code of Ordinances, 18.02 Sewer Service Rates as Recommended by Finance Committee—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve amendment to 18.02 Sewer Service Rates: Each customer served by the Sewer Utility shall pay $14.50 per thousand gallons of water used as determined by water meter readings, with a minimum monthly charge of $14.50. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  6. Consider Waiving Second and Third Readings of Proposed Amendment to Code of Ordinances, 18.02—Anastasio moved, Hulsebos seconded, to waive second and third readings of proposed amendment to Code of Ordinance, 18.02 Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  7. Consider Approving Amendment to Code of Ordinances, 13.03 Water Service System Rate as Recommended by Finance Committee—Hulsebos moved, Anastasio seconded to keep the current water system service rates at $19.50 per thousand gallons. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  8. Consider Waiving Second and Third Readings of Proposed Amendment to Code of Ordinances, 13.03.—No amendment.
  9. Annual Resolution to Adopt Code of Ordinances—Anastasio moved, Hulsebos seconded to adopt Code of Ordinances. Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  10. Corporate Resolution Approving Loraine Przybylski as New Business Officer in Charge of Credit Cards and Inactivating City Credit Cards in Kent Boyum’s and Kathryn Petersen’s Name— Anastasio moved, Goldstein seconded to adopt Corporate Resolution Approving Loraine Przybylski as New Business Officer in Charge of Credit Cards and Inactivating City Credit Cards in Kent Boyum’s and Kathryn Petersen’s Name: Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  11. Other Committee Reports—Community and Economic Development Committee: Boss reported on the Committee’s work to assist Prairie Village Developers in Submission of documents related to the Subdivision Approval. Safety and Public Works Committee: Ms. Goldstein reported on the proposal from LL Pelling for 2023 road maintenance. Additional information will be requested from the contractor before City Council consideration. Ms. Goldstein gave an update on the possible expansion of public water supply service to former Pandit Campus. Dr. John Hagelin reported on radio frequency noise and noise suppression in the City.
  12. Other Business—None.

Mayor Badgett adjourned the meeting.

Rogers Badgett, Mayor

Loraine Przybylski, City Clerk