Maharishi Vedic City

Minutes of a City Council Meeting

Thursday, July 14, 2022, 7:00 PM

City Hall, 1750 Maharishi Center Avenue

Present: Mayor Rogers Badgett, City Councilmembers Chris Johnson, Steve Boss, Kara Anastasio (joined meeting at 7:25 p.m.), Leslee Goldstein, Marty Hulsebos (All by Zoom as it was impractical to attend in person due to the on-going concern by the council for the COVID-19 Pandemic)

Absent: None

Also Present: Dr. Kent Boyum, Kathy Petersen


Mayor Badgett called the meeting to order.

  1. Silence—Three minutes of silence was taken.
  2. Public Comments—Leslee Goldstein requested all Council members turn Zoom video on during meeting.
  3. Minutes—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve minutes from a meeting held June 22, 2022; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  4. Receipts and Claims— Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve the report; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  5. Treasurer’s Report—Goldstein moved, Hulsebos seconded, to approve the report for May 2022; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  6. Utilities Report—Dr. Boyum reported. (Anastasio joined the meeting.)
    1. Solar: Work continues with Ideal Energy, initial analysis for proposed solar project is almost complete.
    2. Water: Prairie Village developers getting quotes from Wapello Rural Water, considering options for providing water.
    3. USDT-Charging Forward: Webinar held on new federal initiative, providing $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations. City may qualify for funding.
  7. Roads and Bridges Report—LL Pelling planning to start road maintenance by end of July. The 175th bridge is now open. Ms. Petersen reported the City has paid $35,044.94 to-date towards the reconstruction.
  8. City Council Procedures Manual Report—Ms. Goldstein continues work on procedures manual, reviewing Fort Madison’s manual as recommended by City attorney. Ms. Goldstein will chair and re-engage the procedures manual task force to continue refining manual before submission to City Attorney for review.
  9. Code of Ordinances—Mr. Boss spoke with Simmering-Cory about updating the City’s Code of Ordinances. Estimated cost is $4,000-$6000 over two to three fiscal years. Mr. Boss will contact the Iowa League of Cities and City Attorney for additional recommendations and request proposal from Simmering-Cory for Council review.
  10. Resolution Providing for the Financial Support of Area 15 Regional Planning Commission—Anastasio moved, Goldstein seconded, to adopt a resolution for support of the Area 15 Regional Planning Commission; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none. Resolution number 20220714A was assigned.
  11. Signatories for Safety Deposit Box—Goldstein moved, Anastasio seconded, to adopt a resolution to assign signatories for the Safety Deposit Box at First National Bank in Fairfield/MidWestOne Bank; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none. Resolution number 20220714A was assigned.
  12. Welcome Sign—Mr. Hulsebos and Mses. Goldstein and Anastasio presented examples of designs for new welcome sign. Johnson moved, Boss seconded, to order the original welcome sign installed in the same location as an interim; Ayes: Johnson, Boss, Anastasio, Goldstein, Hulsebos; Nays: none.
  13. City Hall Maintenance—Ms. Petersen reported holes for sign in front of City Hall and possible liability. Ms. Anastasio requested report from the Recreation and Beautification Committee.
  14. Committee Reports—Ms. Anastasio reported on discussion at Finance and City Administration Committee regarding City Hall rental income and expenses, and history of sewer rate ordinance. Committee will continue with review, no recommendation to Council at this time.
  15. Subdivision Approval—Postponed.
  16. Other Business—None.

Mayor Badgett adjourned the meeting.

Rogers Badgett, MayorLoraine Przybylski, City Clerk